Friday, July 15, 2011

Mia moves in!!!

August 2010:

Our 12 year old niece, Mia, moved in with us on August 12, 2010! Our lives were changed forever!!!

My best friend, Kellie, came over to help me decorate Mia's room for her! Kellie also gave us t his bed. It was her bed that she slept on as a teenager! Again, she is wonderful!!

As Kellie was working hard, Adam took a little break! The mattress was given to us by my other best friend, Julia Durr! We are "storing" it for her! Haha!

Mia LOVES her new room, especially her new peace sign rug!

Welcome to our home, Mia!!

The desk was given to us by my step-mom!! She was going to get rid of it, so we took it!

This was my dresser that I used up until we moved into the dome!

Mia's first day of 6th grade!!!

Cabinet Handles

I love my Grandpa!

July 2010:
After the fun wedding weekend, the summer was kind of crazy! My mom needed a very serious open heart surgey! She was in the hospital for almost two weeks, and then she came home to live with us to recover! My grandparents came up from South Carolina to spend time with us and help out while my mom was in the hospital and help us at home while she was recuperating!! My Grandpa Frank managed to help Adam put on some cabinet handles while he was here!!

Our First of MANY Family Get Togethers!

We did it! We pulled it off! We had a ton of family over and we LOVED IT!!!! Here are some pictures of us having fun in our home for the first time! I am looking forward to many years and many family get togethers!!!

Welcome to my home!!!!

Hi Adam! Good work on your home!

New towels. Thanks Grandma!!!

View from the stairs!!

Tons of people in my kitchen! I love it!!!

Thanks, Mia, for making us cookies!!!

Adam making dinner for our family!!!

Ally and Fiore playing Uno!!!

Thanks for coming guys!!!

Only 1 tv in the house makes everyone watch tv in our bed!!

YES!!!!!!!!! That is 9...count them 9, people in our shower!

Adam entertaining!!

Mia loves her monkey!!

Mia and Ally hanging socks on the wall!!


The DeVries Dome is Open!!

June 2010:
After a very busy month getting everything ready, we were finally ready for our visitors! Here are some pics of the house right before everyone came!

Haha. This picture makes me laugh now! We were originally only going to have 6 family members stay with us. But that 6 turned into 12! Haha. And, I loved every minute of it!!

Trim around the doors put a nice touch!

One bedroom with bed!

This bedroom had two beds!

This was the other bed in that room!

Our kitchen!!!

Our couch was delivered the night before everyone came!!

Our niece Mia came to spend the weekend with us and helped get ready! She was going to stay with us while all of our out of town visitors were here too!

A little bit of trim!

Pictures of us cleaning that day!

Cleaning for Company

June 2010:
My sister got married last June! We had family coming to visit from visit from several different states! We...well I wanted them to stay with us! It has always been a silly dream of mine to be able to have a home that we could host people when they come to visit. We had a lot of work to do, but we were bound and determined. Most of the upstairs was complete, but the downstairs was a complete mess, still looked like a construction site. My very best friend, Kellie Mattox, came over one day to help me clean to get ready to host our company. I can't say it enough, but she is amazing! I would like to say she was my right hand man (well woman), but she wasn't. I felt like her right hand man! She just took over like it was her own home. We had a lot of fun cleaning and organizing that day! I remember when Adam came home, he couldn't believe all the work we had done

Before Kellie!

After Kellie!!


June 2010:
Well thought we could use some doors!!